Watch as she attempts to dig herself out of debt and navigate the path to wealth.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Emergency Fund and How Much to Have

It's a good idea to have a few things in place before you begin to invest and reach out for those passive streams of income and eventually wealth. I have talked in previous posts about a few of these things. We talked about 401(k) and how its a good idea to participate so you can take advantage of that employer match. I also talked about getting out of debt which is something that I am currently working on. I will have much more money to work with once I do this.

The emergency fund
Another good idea is to have an emergency fund in place. In the event that something terrible should happen to you or your family, like losing your job or needing an unexpected operation etc. you will be happy that you have this safety net of a fund in place.

How much is enough?
There are some different schools of thought on the amount that should be in your fund. Some people say the amount should be able to cover 3 months of expenses, others say that it should cover 6 months. My fund (yes, I do have a fund ) will cover me for just about 3 months. This makes me feel pretty secure.

Do you have an emergency fund? Do you feel safer knowing that you have a financial safety net? 

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