Watch as she attempts to dig herself out of debt and navigate the path to wealth.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Rising Above A Hard Day.

Today has been, and will continue to be until 6pm, one of those days that is incredibly hard to fake enthusiasm for. I am talking about my day job here. I know this year will be hard but it's really important that while i'm here from 10am to 6pm everyday that I remain positive and continue to do my job at the highest level possible. 
When I find myself in these kinds of moods, mapping out my plan and goals usually helps to clear my mind of the negative poor-me thoughts and steer me back to the 'why'. Why am I doing this and why should I be happy to have this opportunity. 

Review of Goals
As you all know, my highest priority in terms of goals this year is to diminish my debt by about a 1/3. Decrease, decrease, decrease. Without this day job for the next year I would not be able to come close to obtaining this goal. In fact I'd be going into additional debt! I must focus on this and remain grateful. Though I might feel trapped in the daily routine, I need to keep in mind that I am slowly accomplishing bit by bit the goal of becoming debt free and as a result financially free.

My 2nd goal is to be building my business on the side so that it will be ready to partially sustain me in 2016. I must use my time wisely since it is limited to time outside the hours of 9am and 7pm. Keeping a very specific to-do list is imperative so that I do not waste time thinking about what is next and getting overwhelmed. Mini goals within this goal for this month is to launch the new blog centered website with new photos of products and have 5 blog posts already up.

There. I already feel better and more focused!
Here's to powering through 2015, identifying what you want, and making it happen! 

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Friday, January 2, 2015

Recap and 2015 Kick Off

Hello 2015, goodbye 2014. 

2014 was a year of getting serious and taking action. I really got into educating my self about money matters and also getting real with my own situation. I had been in denial for way to long.

One of the biggest takeaways from 2014 for me was to get out of debt and do it before doing anything else. There is no sense in saving, beyond an emergency fund, when you have thousands of dollars of debt hanging over your head. Get it paid. So I went into my savings and pulled out what I could spare and left enough in there to have in the event of an emergency.
I also went through my stocks and thought, what I can sell here. I really shouldn't have this much in stocks when I have this much in debt.
Some people say that you shouldn't be contributing to a 401k while you're trying to get out of debt but I don't subscribe to this. I can't see passing up free money from my employer who is willing to match anything I put into the account up to 4% of my income.
I do have $100/paycheck going to a separate savings account automatically. This is my business emergency fund and I feel like it is important to be saving for this while i'm paying on debt.
What i'd like to focus the blog on this year is my continued push to get out of debt. But I will also be talking a lot about my push to move on from a 9-5 job and starting to plan the steps to moving towards working for myself and starting my own business. I am considering 2015 to be the start of this journey and I'm so excited to share every step of it with you!
Here's to a great 2015!

Send me a message. Did you love the post or hate it? What would you like the next topic to be? Follow me on Twitter @financegirl